A great way of getting the word out about what you have to offer your community is to have someone else do it for you.
That’s one reason why it’s so easy for celebrities to grow their personal brands. Everywhere they go, their pictures are taken and shared with the world.
They have no privacy. And in most cases that’s okay with them. That’s life in the public eye. That’s free publicity.
In rare instances, however – certain live performances such as the two I saw recently, by Dane Cook, the comedian, and Jethro Tull, the rock band – photographs and video recordings are forbidden. They don’t like the distraction, for one thing. They also want complete control of their intellectual property. Not to mention…they’re so ridiculously successful, they can afford to take that position.
Most of us, not so much.
We don’t want to be like them if we’re in marketing, advertising and sales of any sort.
We don’t want to be like them if we want the opportunity to reach an exponentially larger audience.
We don’t want to be like them if we want our followers, friends and fans to spread the word about us to their own respective social media networks, making it possible for us to get in front of people we would never have the chance to connect with otherwise.
We want to increase our chances of going viral and extending the reach of the messages we share with our constituents and stakeholders.
If we care at all about personal branding, we don’t just want to allow people to take pictures of us, we want to encourage it.