10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Nine

9. Sweat the small stuff.

It’s one thing to be a creative genius, to be that extra special someone in the room who can come up with surprisingly brilliant ideas practically on demand, time and time again.

That’s the glamour and glory of the business.

But the consummate copywriter is actually a stickler for details, someone who’s as strong on the left side of the brain as the right, who’s as analytical and obsessive as conceptual and extemporaneous, who’s as aware of the importance of being an accurate, fact-based  tactician as much as an original, award-winning craftsperson.

That part of the job is not as exciting as it is necessary.

Yes, it’s not good enough to be just a great wordsmith and marketer. If you want to earn a living as a copywriter, you also have to be a good researcher and project manager, an avid reader and a competent verbal communicator, someone who can appreciate the fact that a great deal of your success depends on your ability to wear a variety of other hats well when you’re not actually writing.

To sweat the small stuff means to be punctual and deadline-oriented, to ask the right questions and make the right points during meetings and presentations.

Dictionary PictureIt also means to be a good proofreader and gatekeeper. So don’t count on someone else to catch your mistakes. Be your own worst critic. Use a spell-checking program. And keep a dictionary on your desk. Scrupulously review every single word you write before you turn it over to the powers that be. After all, nothing can undermine your credibility as a copywriter faster than a typo or misspelling.

This is the ninth in a 10-post series on how to succeed as a copywriter. In the very near future, I’ll publish the last post in this series here on my blog, A New Marketing Commentator. Please stay tuned. And if you have any feedback on this series for me, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or click “like” below. Thanks.

Previous Posts in This Series

10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part One
Dare to be different.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Two
Care deeply about results.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Three
Walk in your readers’ shoes.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Four
Develop strong presentation skills.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Five
Keep your head out of the sand.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Six
Exercise good judgment.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Seven
Meet your deadlines.
10 Ways to Succeed as a Copywriter, Part Eight
Be a team player.

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