Worry’s Not Even a Word

Monday, April 5, 2004 – First thing this morning, David and I met to prioritize our deliverables and coordinate our schedules for the busy week ahead. I’m telling you, we’re both straight out — but that’s not going to stop us from capitalizing on all the momentum we have going for us. Working this hard is not unlike being on the proverbial high wire without a safety net below. The pressure can creep up on you. And before you know it, you can find yourself teetering. But that’s not going to happen to us. To mitigate the demands on our time, we’ve already agreed to put some of the agency’s self-promotional efforts on the back burner, including a series of new case studies we’ve been meaning to add to our portfolio as well as a press release that we want to put out there about our big plans for the future. We’re not going to get ahead of ourselves. Besides, clients come first. Over the course of the next three days, we’re taking a very close look at our work with The Public Broadcasting Co-op, in preparation for a big meeting with these folks in June. We need to develop at least several new packages to put in front of this group at that time, and even though this can only be characterized as a speculative assignment, I can’t begin to tell you how important it is to us. Let’s just say we’re hoping to knock their socks off with our creative. So right now I’m working with David, Sarah and Denny on a presentation we’re scheduled to give tomorrow. And then there will be another one due Wednesday. Yikes! Of course, we also have the NEDMA Awards Show to attend this Thursday, which will give us an opportunity to come up for air (phew) — and me an opportunity to see my former colleagues at Robbins. Then, finally, there’s the capabilities presentation we have to put together for the trip Mike and I are taking to meet with the development team at Florida State University next week. So yes, no question about it, we’re walking a thin line. But failure’s not an option, and worry’s not even a word. Cool heads will prevail.

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