Esprit de Corps

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 – Included among the list of stops in my career was a brief stint at a dot-com, where it was all about the Web, all the time. We were a so-called “pure play,” an organization whose business model is grounded solely in the online world. Well, you know the rest of the story (e.g., the company went belly-up). But while our obituary was only in the draft stages I was like a sponge to water, soaking up all I possibly could about how to use the Web to build relationships and spur interactivity. That was then. Now I’m looking at an opportunity to use those lessons learned at the dot-com to help us here at Yellowfin garner some attention in the marketplace. A Fine Kettle of Fish is a step in the right direction. Right now it’s being hosted on Blog*Spot. But it will likely be situated on our own Web site soon, prominently displayed for all visitors to read and, hopefully, enjoy. In keeping this blog, I’m being true to myself, doing what I like to do as honestly and openly as possible within a framework that is obviously still business, first and foremost. Which is why I’m also thinking strategically, taking pains to write what I would want to know about this agency if I were an outsider. Yup. With Fine Kettle, I’m hoping to engage a community of folks who are genuinely interested in not just what this agency has to offer, but more importantly, what this agency is all about – its culture, its personality, its esprit de corps. Only time will tell whether or not I’m successful.

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