Two Crocodiles Intertwined

Friday, March 5, 2004 – The last three days I have had my nose to the grindstone, working at a feverish pace with Sarah and one of our freelancers to put together several different fundraising packages, all for schools, each under a tight deadline. The good news is that we are only at the rough stage on these projects, so we don’t have to flesh out every single detail. But the due dates still loom nonetheless. At the same time, we’re also working on a catchy, new ad campaign for Yellowfin, using the concept of fish (surprise, surprise) as a recurring theme. And finally, I’m working on an article about direct marketing for one of our suppliers. They called the other day and asked me to write something for their company newsletter. David joked that they had never asked him to be one of their authors. And he’s known them for years. Why should I get all the glory? What made me so special? Uh-oh. The last thing a new employee wants to do is upstage the boss! I think I mitigated the situation, though, by citing the old Ghanaian proverb about two crocodiles intertwined. No matter which one of them eats food, it goes to the same stomach.

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