I’m Running the 2020 Virtual Boston Marathon

I’m psyched. I’m in.

I’m participating in the Boston Marathon Virtual Experience.

Of course, the Boston Marathon was cancelled this year due to the pandemic. Those of us who were entered to run this historic race were disappointed, but we totally understood. There was no way the race could have been held given the coronavirus crisis.

The Boston Athletic Association (BAA) came up with a virtual version of the marathon, however, giving official entrants the opportunity to go the 26.2-mile distance on their own course, on their own time, sometime between September 5-14, 2020.

So after having trained in the cold temperatures all winter to run this thing, I picked up where I left off a couple months later and trained all summer under the hot sun.

I’m ready. I’m set.

I’ll be undergoing my 26.2-mile virtual experience sometime next week with my wife, Barbara, alongside me on her bike.

This will be the 13th time I’ve run Boston for charity and the seventh time I’ve run it for Christopher’s Haven, a place which provides temporary housing for families whose kids are receiving treatment for cancer in nearby hospitals.

To support my fundraising efforts on behalf of this ridiculously awesome nonprofit organization, you can make a donation – easily and quickly – at https://www.tinyurl.com/bobrunsboston4ch

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