Using Blogs to “Connect Up”

In a conversation with Allan Hoffman on Monster, Scott Allen and David Teten, authors of “The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online” (a book I’ve written about before in this space and which my neighbor to the north, Ted Demopoulos, just reviewed on his blog), explain how to use social software – including, of course, blogs – to advance your career…

Monster: Your book views blogs as powerful tools. Should everyone be blogging?

SA: A blog may become as important, if not more important, than your resume. The resume may get you onto the long list, but the blog is definitely a tool to get onto the short list. If you’re trying to position yourself as an expert, then you should be blogging about your topic and building relationships with other people in your industry who are thinking about and talking about the same topic. And when I say you want to position yourself as an expert, I’m not talking about being a professional info-guru. If your business value is centered around your expertise on a particular topic, then you should be writing about it.

Elsewhere in this article, David Teten speaks about what it means to “connect ‘up’ virtually,” saying that “you want to build relationships with people who are a notch above you” and that “blogs are a great way to access people.”

Exactly. Right now my blog is ranked 63,009 out of some 30 million sites being tracked by Technorati, but in December of 2004 an article I posted entitled “Why Advertising, Marketing and PR Pros Should Blog (Parts One, Two and Three)” was cited by one of the most influential bloggers in the world, Steve Rubel, on his blog, Micro Persuasion, which is currently ranked 71.

Now that’s a good example of connecting up, if ever there was one, no?

To read the article, Social Software and Your Career: A Conversation with the Authors of The Virtual Handshake by Allan Hoffman, Monster Tech Jobs Expert, click here.


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