What’s Your Personal Brand?

Think of your favorite movie star, rockstar or superstar athlete.

What comes to mind?

What’s your impression of them?

That’s their reputation. That’s their personal brand.

After all, your brand is not what YOU say it is, it’s what OTHER people say it is.

What do people say about YOUR personal brand?

Well, to even be thinking of you, they have to be hearing from you and seeing you on a regular basis, either here on social media, or on TV, on a streaming service, on the radio, on stage, wherever.

That’s step one. That’s implied.

Then, of course, everything that comes to mind, everything they are thinking and saying about you is, ideally, positive, is, yes, ridiculously awesome.

So, what comes to mind when people hear YOUR name?

That’s your personal brand.

What’s yours? What’s mine?

It’s important for us to know.

It’s critical to our success.

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