Yet Another Endorsement of the Corporate Blog

“As blogs become easier to create and manage, they can be used to provide employees valuable tools to share information within their spheres of influence, such as colleagues, partners, distributors, customers and other constituents,” writes Renee Blodgett, president of Blodgett Communications and – naturally – a blogger herself, in the June 20 issue of DM News.

“Blogs not only broaden your corporation’s knowledge base by tapping new content from employees, partners and customers,” adds Blodgett, “they can extend this new content to more audiences and communities, including specific topic experts who can add credibility to your product or service.”

Cautions Blodgett, though: “Blogging is a great new tool to communicate to existing audiences and reach new ones, but it is critical that we don’t forget basic marketing and PR principles when it comes to appropriate targeted content and building communities around a solid, cohesive message.”

Thanks, Renee, for yet another ringing endorsement of the corporate blog. I couldn’t agree more with everything you say. And kudos to DM News for providing you with the platform.

To read Renee’s article in its entirety, click here.

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