Everyone’s An Expert, Writes Seth Godin

Seth Godin has just announced the release of his next free ebook, Everyone’s An Expert, which you can download here. The book, he says, “is for anyone who wants more online traffic, more revenue, more followers, more attention, more interest, more donations or more influence.”

It’s a short book – you can read it in about ten minutes – about his exciting, new online company, Squidoo, and, as Seth says, “more important, about a new sort of online tool that might very well change the way you discover (and publish) information.”

This new tool (which has to do with the development of a “lens,” described by Seth as a “a page, a single page, that highlights one person’s view of the Web – not the whole Web, just one tiny part of it”) sounds like a great idea to me, an idea that should at least pique the curiosity of any one person or organization in the business of marketing communications today.

For now, you can read more about all this on Seth’s own blog. In no time at all, though, you’ll probably be reading about Everyone’s An Expert and Squidoo wherever you go in the blogosphere. Like a fire ablaze in dry brush, anything new from Seth Godin — one of the world’s foremost marketing experts and business entrepreneurs — has a way of spreading fast.

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One thought on “Everyone’s An Expert, Writes Seth Godin

  • Bob –

    How’s it going? I hope everything is still going well at the new job. Seth is great, I read his blog daily. I’m in the process of downloading the new e-book. The Big Moo is coming out soon as well. Check out my website above. I am starting a new sales business on the side. I’m a reseller for a few concrete products. Let me know what you think. Hope to hear from you soon.

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