Senior-Level Executives and Social Media

You already have a platform.

You already have a following.

You already have a fan base.

Why not take advantage of it?

Why not jump on social media?

I’m talking to you, if you are a senior-level business executive, you who are invariably the least likely in your organization to use social media to communicate with your constituency, even though your words carry so much weight.

The times are changing rapidly, however, and in 2020, your audience expects to hear from you on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and the like.

They want to get to know you not just as a professional, but as someone just like them.

They want to know what you think about the important issues of the day.

They want to hear how you feel about what’s going on in the world.

Call it purpose-driven marketing. Call it conscious marketing. Call it personal branding. Call it thought leadership. Call it authenticity and transparency.

Call it just being present and available to those with whom you should be building mutually-beneficial relationships, people who would appreciate your attention and are inclined to support your business.

What do you say?

Why not jump on social media?

P.S. Ask me how I can help. This is what I do for a living. I can get you online in no time. Easily. Smoothly. Quickly.

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