I couldn’t help but be incredibly intrigued by an ad on TV I saw recently that boldly declared, “The world revolves around you.”
This ad caught my undivided attention because, growing up, when I was just a kid, I heard something very different: “The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
Those words that I heard when I was knee high to a grasshopper left a mark – they made me feel small, unimportant, insignificant and disconnected.
But these words? This ad? It offers something powerful – a message that speaks to the heart. It reminds us that feeling valued can change everything in our lives.
In marketing, in advertising, on social media, in life itself, the greatest gift you can give someone is the belief that they really matter, that they’re being seen and heard.
When people feel that the world revolves around them – even for a split second – it lifts their spirits, it makes them smile, it gives them hope. It fills them with confidence, self-worth and the courage to take on life’s many difficult challenges.
Making people feel good about themselves is not just good for business, it’s good for peace, love and understanding in all walks of our professional and personal lives.
So yes, the world revolves around you. It revolves around me. It revolves around each and every one of us.
When we share such a ridiculously awesome sentiment with others – and feel it in our own hearts and souls, too – we create a world where people are empowered, where we continue to lift each other higher, where we live, work and play happily ever after.