Take a Stand Like a Big Brand

Take a Stand Like a Big Brand

Advertising, Branding, Cause-Related Marketing, Marketing
Good for Nike. I think it's incumbent upon brands and businesses to speak up for what they believe in...not just on behalf of sales. It doesn't matter how they feel about the issue. What matters is that they realize they have the platform and the responsibility to say something...as long as they believe they can make a positive contribution to the dialogue. The marketer in me thinks this may even help, not hurt Nike's revenue. But much more important, as a human being, I have greater respect for those who are authentic, transparent, open and honest. People do business with people, not corporate logos. Iconic swoosh or not, Nike just let consumers know that they are just like us. Like it or not, they dared express an opinion and join…
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10 Ways Brands are Using Social Media for Good

Branding, Cause-Related Marketing, Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media
Asking questions. Running contests. Sharing pictures. Promoting products and services. There are many ways for brands to attract attention on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like. Included among this list of ways to get people to sit up and take notice on social media is to show the softer side of your brand and declare your support of a worthy charitable organization. After all, almost everyone on these channels is trying to sell something, whether it’s a product, service or simply themselves. Almost everyone is like the carnival barker cajoling the passersby to step right up and come inside the tent. But a small percentage of them are associating their brands with a noble cause, giving those in the audience a reason to feel good about making the decision to…
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