My Social Media Webinar Series for the Printing Industries of New England

Blogging, Facebook, LinkedIn, Marketing, Social Media, Twitter
As I’ve said before here on this blog, if there’s one thing I enjoy almost as much as using social media, it’s speaking about this exciting, relatively new phenomenon in online communications to anyone who is willing listen to me. And lately, I’ve been fortunate to have had many such opportunities. After all, there’s nothing hotter in the industry in which I earn my livelihood right now than social media. And as my friends and colleagues know, I've been enamored with the power of blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and the like since their emergence on the scene. So it would be an understatement for me to say I’m happy that corporate America is finally beginning to understand what the authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto meant when they wrote back in 1999 that… In just a few…
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