Does Your Business Have Its Own Selfie Station?

You might call it a chair. Or a bench.

In 2024, when it’s right in front of a store, I would call it a selfie station.

I would call it brilliant.

I would call it an opportunity for this store, Rustic Marlin, to attract more prospective customers into their store and perhaps increase their sales.

It’s a great idea. Especially with all the stickers, in this case, emblazoned on it that say, #Boston. It’s something a lot of different brands and businesses could take advantage of themselves.

Think about it. This bench is located in a crowded tourist destination in Faneuil Hall Marketplace. Lots of people are walking by on a regular basis. They might want to sit down and relax. They might need to take a break for a few minutes. Either way, they’re sitting in front of this store that they can’t help but notice.

Or, as I indicate above, they want to show their friends and followers on social media that they’re in Boston. They’re having the time of their lives. They want to share this special moment of theirs with the world. And when it comes to marketing and advertising, that’s a win-win if ever there was one. They get a great setting for their tourist selfie picture. The store gets a lot of free promotion.

Like what Rustic Marlin has done here, what can your business or brand do to bring your audience closer to you, literally?

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