The Importance of Being Liked on Social Media

Branding, Marketing, Social Media
It’s one thing to be popular in real life, but what about on social media? You want people to like you there, too. Whether you’re on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, you want your friends, fans and followers to like everything you share as a business and brand. The more content you share, the better, but make sure it’s relevant, timely and high-quality content, not mediocre, run-of-the-mill stuff. Social media is not a one-way street, either. It’s important to engage with others online. The more you like their content, the more likely they’ll be to pay attention to yours. You want people to like you not just in real life, but on social media, too.
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Create Content Constantly

Branding, Business, Marketing, Social Media
I was listening to a podcast the other day. Bill Simmons was interviewing Judd Apatow. They were talking about how difficult it is for comedians to come up with new routines day in and day out. It got me thinking. That’s how it is for those of us in the fields of marketing, advertising, PR and social media. We need to come up with new content on a constant basis if we expect to be seen and heard by our customers, connections and constituents. We need to inform, educate, persuade, convince, entertain, even demonstrate that we have a sense of humor if we want to succeed in this revolutionary, new business era. Watch...
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Podcast: The Importance of Authenticity on Social Media in the Fake News Era

Podcast: The Importance of Authenticity on Social Media in the Fake News Era

Advertising, Branding, Business, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media
Fake news is all around us. Turn on the TV. Listen to the radio. Read the newspaper. Liars, cheaters and stealers abound. Who knows who and what to believe anymore? That’s why it’s more important than ever for businesses and brands to have candid conversations with their connections and constituents. Honesty has always been the best policy, but today the truth will set you far apart from the competition and the clutter. Today, the more transparent, authentic and immediate you are, the more successful you will be in business. Use social media to engage with your audience as human beings, not logos and corporate colors. Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and the like to establish long-lasting, mutually-beneficial relationships with your customers and prospects. Keeping it real as never been more…
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Podcast: Do Things the Opposite Way on Social Media

Branding, Business, Marketing, Social Media
Try doing the opposite of what you’ve been doing up until now on social media. That’s right. Take off your sales and marketing hat, and put on a hat that says, “I’m just like you.” Not only are the algorithms on social media not working in your favor, but your audience is tired of the same old promotional messages you’re sharing with them. If you’re not paying to play, chances are you’re not reaching very much of an audience at all, anyway. So, put a face on your brand and a smile on your face. Show that you have a personality, not just a pulse. Do what George Costanza did in episode 86 of “Seinfeld.” Do things the opposite way on social media. Be less promotional and a lot more…
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Red Tape and Social Media

Red Tape and Social Media

Branding, Business, Marketing, Social Media
Red tape. Unfortunately, it prevents many businesses and brands from making progress in any way, shape or form on social media. Whether it’s because too many chefs are in the kitchen or there is just far too much adherence to outdated rules, red tape can undermine the success of your very best efforts. The most accomplished social media practitioners have a green light in front of them, not red tape. They get autonomy and support from colleagues and management, not questions and criticism. The most effective social media programs are authentic, transparent and immediate. They’re carried out quickly and seamlessly with very few interruptions. If you expect to be successful as an organization on social media, you’ve got to cut to the chase and cut the red tape.
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Create Social Media Moments and Memories for Your Audience

Branding, Marketing, Social Media
Look all around you. Everybody is taking pictures everywhere they go. You want to capitalize on this trend. Anything you do as a business or organization needs to be optimized for social media. Your people. Your office. Your content. Your events. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you want to be making it easy for your connections and customers to share something to do with your brand with their own respective networks. Your fans and followers want to talk about you. They want to amplify everything about you to a wider circle of people. They’re looking for something to capture and disseminate via their own feeds on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like. Give them the opportunities. Give them the inspiration. Create social media moments and memories for…
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American Marketing Association’s 2018 Leadership Summit

An excellent time was had by all at the AMA Summit recently, especially by your representing contingent from AMA Boston. I was happy and honored to be able to attend the event at the Westin O'Hare in Rosemont, Illinois, with my colleagues on the Board of Directors, Bonnie Akerson, Parna Sarkar-Basu, Laura Chapman and Todd Holloway. We attended a variety of educational sessions designed to both inform and Inspire us. We met and mingled with members of dozens of the some 70 or so different AMA chapters throughout the country who were also there in attendance. We sat in the audience to listen to many incredibly good speakers, including two electrifying, exhilarating keynote presentations delivered by Robert Rose and Sima Dahl. A big thanks to the entire American Marketing Association…
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Immortalizing Your Brand’s Audience on Social Media

Boston Marathon, Branding, Business, Marketing, Social Media
It feels good to be able to run 26.2 miles on any given day, but I was particularly happy to finish the Boston Marathon on April 16, 2018. For starters, this was the 11th time I've run Boston for charity, the fifth time for Christopher's Haven, raising nearly $2,000 this time around for this ridiculously awesome non-profit organization. It was also especially gratifying to be able to go the entire 26.2-mile distance despite such extremely inclement weather conditions. Pouring rain. Stiff headwinds. Cold temperatures. The long, challenging journey from Hopkinton to Boston this year was about as far from a walk in the park as you could imagine. After I crossed the finish line on Boylston Street, I asked one of the volunteers to take my picture, as I wanted…
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