What Can I Do for You?

Business, Copywriting, Direct Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
I'm a traditional marketer. I'm a digital marketer. I'm a content marketer. I'm a social media marketer. I can provide you with strategies and workflows. I can help you manage people and projects. I can provide you with copy. I can provide you with content. Yup. I've been writing in this field for a long time…since 1983. I've written everything from direct mail to email, print ads to banner ads…AND then there's social media. In 2004, I started my blog, "A New Marketing Commentator," and I haven't looked back. Yup. I've done a ton of social media! Frankly, I consider myself an ultra-modern, hybrid marketer who can help you out in a variety of ways, both B2B and B2C, agency and client side. What can I do for you? A…
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Social Media Isn’t Rocket Science

Social Media Isn’t Rocket Science

Branding, Marketing, Social Media
Social media isn’t rocket science. Yup. Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like is easier than you think IF you make it a priority. But that’s just the problem. Many businesses, organizations, institutions and communities don’t get it. They are still giving short shrift to what they view as an unnecessary, newfangled way of communications. They think social media is a fad or something the cool kids may do, not something they have to make a priority. Think again. Employers should be training their employees TODAY how to use social media on behalf of their brands. Anyone in a leadership position should be immersing themselves NOW in everything to do with these online channels and making sure their constituents are right behind them. Team members are your advocates. Those…
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Music to the Ears of Your Audience on Social Media

Branding, Business, Marketing, Social Media
Bruno Mars and Cardi B. Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett. Florida Georgia Line and Bebe Rexha. Performers in the music world do it all the time. They collaborate. They form partnerships. They join forces to produce music that they know they couldn’t have done on their own. You can do the same thing on social media. Hook up with other brands, businesses and people to produce content that you couldn’t do on your own. Guest post on their blogs and vice versa. Conduct interviews. Barter services. Tag-team projects. Engage with them in some way, shape or form. Mix it up. Put different faces and voices in front of your audience every so often. The results may pleasantly surprise you. Collaboration. It’s music to the ears of your audience on social…
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Use Social Media Like Chloe Kim

Branding, Social Media
Use social media like Chloe Kim. Chloe jumped, twisted, turned, somersaulted and flew her way to a gold medal recently on her snowboard in the women’s halfpipe competition at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games. But what caught my attention almost as much as her prowess on a snowboard was the fact that she used Twitter during the competition. Yup. Chloe somehow found time to tweet between runs about being “hangry” because she hadn’t finished her breakfast sandwich. Kudos to this snowboarding superstar not just for winning gold, but for showing the world the prevalence, pervasiveness and power of Twitter. Despite the triviality of her tweet, it’s still received over 10,000 RTs and 100,00 likes. Businesses and brands (personal or corporate), that use social media like Chloe are more likely…
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12 Boston-Area Marketers to Follow on Twitter, Part II

Boston, Marketing, Social Media, Twitter
Of course, there are far more than just a dozen marketing professionals in the Boston area who you and I should be following on Twitter. There are hundreds, if not thousands who deserve our attention. That’s what couldn't have been more obvious to me after finishing up my last post for this blog. And while I can’t possibly write about every single one of them here in this space, I can certainly give it another whirl. So, to continue the conversation about some of the most ridiculously accomplished people in our industry on Twitter who just happen to work around here – that is, Boston – here are another 12 local rock stars of marketing, advertising, PR and social media. You can follow them individually on Twitter by clicking on…
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Shouting It Out Loud on Social Media

Branding, Marketing, Social Media
Shout it out loud. That’s what your customers, connections, clients and constituents are doing on social media. They’re amplifying what you have to say about your business to their own personal networks, exponentially increasing the reach of your marketing messages. Are you taking advantage of this opportunity? Are you providing your audience with enough quality content to share on a regular basis? Are you capitalizing on the fact that your fans, followers and friends can help you get the word out about your products and services in today’s day and age? Like it or not, online communities are talking about you. Give them something to rave about. Give them something to share. Give them something to shout from the rooftops that will call more positive attention to your personal or…
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Use Social Media as an Ice-Breaker

Marketing, Social Media
Back in 1990 or so, I joined Toastmasters. Toastmasters is a public speaking group, and one of the first speeches you give in Toastmasters is called the ice-breaker. The ice-breaker's point is to allow people to get to know you. You share a lot about who you are as a person...your interests, your hobbies, your lifestyle, your personality, your family, your work. You share as much as you're comfortable sharing with the others. The idea is to connect with the audience. The idea is to let them get to know you. The idea is to make future speeches a lot more comfortable for both you and the audience because you've now been connected. Think of social media - brands, personal brands and corporate brands - as your ice-breaker. You should…
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12 Boston-Area Marketing Pros to Follow on Twitter, Part I

Boston, Business, Marketing, Social Media, Twitter
There are roughly 330 million monthly active users of Twitter, and who knows how many of them work or live in and around Boston. I’ve identified a dozen of those users who not only fall into the latter category, though, but who also happen to have proven themselves to be ridiculously accomplished marketing professionals. If you’re not following these rock stars of marketing, advertising, PR and social media yet, get after it now. Here is a little information about each of them, including their respective Twitter handles and an aggregated stream of their latest tweets from a public list I’ve added them to on Twitter. You can follow them individually by clicking on their handles below and subscribe to my list, which includes all 12 of them, here. 1. Beth…
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