My Renamed, Redesigned and Reimagined Blog

Blogging, Marketing, Social Media
I wrote the first post on my blog more than 15 years ago...on February 17, 2004.’s still here. Yup, that very same blog. I started my blog - yup, this blog, in a somewhat different incarnation - about marketing thanks to David Hazeltine, who was my boss at the time. He placed his trust and confidence in me, and for that I will be grateful forever. I was writing my blog long before most businesses and brands had one. I was speaking about blogs and social media to audiences who knew very little about these newfangled means of communicating online. I think everyone in business today should have a blog, certainly anyone in a leadership position. A blog is an extension of who you are as a professional. It’s…
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Your Brand Is Not What You Say You Are

Branding, Marketing
If you think you define your own brand, think again. Your customers, clients and connections define your brand. They say what your brand is, not you. Do you practice what you preach? Do your actions match your words? Do you not just talk the talk, but walk the walk, too? The best brands among us live, breathe, work and play what they say they are day in and day out, time and time again. They don’t rest on their laurels. They don’t ever stop evolving. They listen to their audience’s feedback and don’t just meet but exceed their expectations. Whatever they have to offer – products, services, advice, support, you name it – is always more than appreciated by those on the receiving end.
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Are You a Hyperleader?

Social Media
Are you a hyperleader? Do you know someone who is a hyperleader? I heard about this term for the first time in an article I read recently by Paolo Gerbaudo for the New Statesman ("The age of the hyperleader: when political leadership meets social media celebrity"). Paolo uses the term in referring to certain types of politicians who may be more popular than the parties they represent and are particularly adept at using social media to engage with their constituents. I’m using the term in referring to people you and I may know in the business world. These are people who can be game-changers. They can single-handedly attract more attention to the brands and businesses they represent than those entities can themselves. These are people you want on your side.…
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Don’t Be a One-Trick Pony on Social Media

Branding, Marketing, Social Media
Don’t be a one-trick pony on social media. Unless it’s the only place your audience can be found, don’t spend an inordinate amount of time on just one channel at the expense of others. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.…you want to be working the crowd in a multitude of places. You want to be diversifying your efforts. Once you've tested and learned where you get the biggest bang for your buck, you want to focus there, of course. But you don’t want to overlook the importance of having a presence elsewhere at the same time. You never know where you’re going to get the most traction down the road. You may think you’re getting good results where you are now, but you have no idea how many opportunities you…
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You’ve Got to Work It on Social Media

Instagram, Social Media
It took K-pop star, Kang Daniel, only 11 hours and 36 minutes recently to attract a following of one million on Instagram. That was a Guinness World Record, eclipsing the previous record set by Pope Francis. I wouldn’t be able to build a following that big in a lifetime, never mind in half a day. And - likely - neither would you. Unless you’re a celebrity, a popular brand or someone who can afford a big advertising budget, there are no shortcuts to success on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and the like. It takes time, talent and tenacity to build a following on social media. You’ve got to share plenty of relevant, quality content on a regular basis to build enough of an audience to be successful on social…
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When Social Media Catches Fire

When Social Media Catches Fire

Branding, Fyre Festival, Marketing, Social Media
No other media comes close to social media’s potential to build buzz almost instantaneously and amplify content to the point where it goes viral. I recently watched the Netflix documentary, “Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened,” and found it to be as exasperating as it was entertaining. So many people were hurt in so many ways, especially financially and emotionally. Not only did a group of popular celebrity influencers promote Fyre Festival on social media, but music fans who shelled out big bucks to attend this epic flop used social media, too, to get the word out about their miserable experience there. Yup, social media can giveth and social media can taketh away. For better or worse, social media can catch fire. Use it with care. Use it for…
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Selfies on Social Media

Selfies on Social Media

Branding, Marketing, Selfies, Social Media
Look all around you. Selfies are being taken everywhere. People are taking selfies at ballgames and concerts, at the beach and the dinner table, while parachuting and ziplining, in voting booths and business meetings. Selfies are ridiculously popular in the era we’re in, a time when technology and culture have collided to make sharing pictures online both easy and customary. Businesses and brands would be smart to capitalize on this trend, if they are not already. Selfies are a great way to engage not just your employees and colleagues, but your customers and prospects. Look all around you. Everybody likes selfies.
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