Public Speaking and Social Media

Marketing, Public Speaking, Social Media
As someone who speaks often at industry conferences and events, I know that if those in my audience are looking down at their phones, tablets and laptops, they’re probably not ignoring my presentation. They’re likely sharing what they’re hearing on social media, which is exactly what I want them to be doing on my behalf. I want them to be amplifying my message to their own networks, extending the reach of what I’m saying to a much larger number of people. So...if you’re giving a presentation and your audience members are looking down at their electronic devices, not up at you, don’t be annoyed, be pleased. In this video, I talk about how important it is for public speakers to move away from the lectern, especially in the social media…
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10 Ways Public Speakers Should Use Social Media

Business, Marketing, Public Speaking, Social Media
If you're giving a presentation and your audience members are looking down at their electronic devices, not up at you, don't be annoyed, be pleased. As someone who speaks often at industry conferences and events, after all, I know that if those in my audience are looking down at their phones, tablets and laptops, they're probably not ignoring my presentation. They're likely sharing what they're hearing on social media, which is exactly what I want them to be doing on my behalf. I want them to be amplifying my message to their own networks, extending the reach of what I’m saying to a much larger number of people. That’s what I would call the "socialization" of my presentation. And that’s what I would think every public speaker today would want…
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