The More Personal Branding, the Better

The More Personal Branding, the Better

Branding, Business, Mark Schaefer, Marketing, Social Media
In a recent blog post, Mark Schaefer wrote about Five Things I Would Do Differently If I Were Starting Over, one of those things being to place "more intent on the personal brand." That's saying a lot, coming from someone who has such an extraordinarily strong personal brand. Mark is renowned far and wide for his marketing expertise and knowledge, his teaching and public speaking, his books and blog. If someone as conspicuous in their presence online as Mark is thinks he could place more emphasis on his personal brand, what about you and me? That's saying all of us could benefit from even more personal branding. Thanks, Mark, as always, for the words of wisdom.
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Entrepreneurship, Technology, Marketing and Social Media with Morissa Schwartz

Entrepreneurship, Technology, Marketing and Social Media with Morissa Schwartz

Branding, Business, Content, Marketing, Podcast, Social Media
In this episode of the podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I have a conversation with the multi-talented, super successful entrepreneur, Morissa Schwartz. We talk about the different businesses she runs and how she uses social media so effectively to stay in front of her constituents. At one point during our chat, I praised Morissa for being so positive and nice to others, and she said she was asked recently about how she keeps up her productivity, and her answer was, "By staying positive and keeping an upbeat attitude." She said, "The byproduct of being positive is being more streamlined and things going more smoothly." She added, "Being nice to people, being positive...they're so rewarding in so many ways." Thanks, Morissa! You're such a very positive role model for so many…
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If I Were a CEO or CMO…

If I Were a CEO or CMO…

Branding, Business, Marketing, Social Media
If I were a CEO or CMO, this is what I would do right now... Take every employee in my organization. Train every one of them to use social media. Ask them to use social media on behalf of our brand. Provide them with incentives and rewards for doing so. The results would be significant. Not only would they be learning new, invaluable skills, they would be helping to get the word out about my business to a much larger audience. They would be making an additional contribution to the success of my company. The results would be a win-win.
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My New Book, 20 Jobs, 20 Lessons, in a Nutshell

My New Book, 20 Jobs, 20 Lessons, in a Nutshell

Business, Direct Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
Over the course of the next few months, I'll be sharing quite a bit on social media about my forthcoming book, 20 Jobs, 20 Lessons, a memoir about my career in marketing so far. We're putting the finishing touches on it right now, aiming for a publication date of sometime in March, give or take a few weeks. In this video, I share a few extemporaneous thoughts about how it has come together and what you can expect if you read it. To be notified when it becomes available, just visit here, where you can leave your name and email address. Thanks!
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Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Social Media

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Social Media

Social Media
It used to be reading, writing and arithmetic. That's what was taught in grammar school. I think it should now be reading, writing, arithmetic and social media. I'm serious. Social media is how more and more people communicate in this day and age, especially young people. If we teach students how to use social media at a young age, we will have much less of a computer illiteracy problem in the world and certainly far more instances of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and the like being used for good.
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What Can You Do for Social Media?

What Can You Do for Social Media?

Branding, Marketing, Social Media
What do you need to do to get social media to pay off for you? Sorry to disappoint, but it doesn't really work that way. It's what you need to do to make sure that social media pays off for those on the receiving end of your messages. If the content you have to share on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and the like is educational, entertaining, informative and insightful, your audience will reward you with their undivided attention and support. So yeah, it's what you're going to do for social media, not the other way around.
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If I Were a Business or Brand with the Budget…

If I Were a Business or Brand with the Budget…

Branding, Business, Content, Marketing, Social Media
If I were a business or a brand with the budget, I would hire people whose sole responsibility was to use social media on my behalf. They would cover everything that's going on behind the scenes, sharing content day in and day out with our audience of fans, followers and friends. The content they create and share would be educational, informative, insightful, supportive, inspirational, entertaining even. They would be conspicuous in their presence, responsive and engaging, friendly and dependable. They would interact with those on the receiving end of our messages and learn from them. We would be a better and more successful company in the long run because of this commitment to #SocialMedia.
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New Belgium Brewing’s Torched Earth Ale

New Belgium Brewing’s Torched Earth Ale

Branding, Business, Cause-Related Marketing, Marketing
Would you ever make a good product into a bad product? Why would you do such a thing? Well, just ask New Belgium Brewing. They made Torched Earth ale, a bad-tasting beverage made with "smoke-tainted water," to make a statement about the climate change crisis. In the process, they got tons of PR and brought lots of attention to this important issue. Brilliant, if you ask me. Simply brilliant. Good for the people at New Belgium Brewing for taking such a strong stand as a brand. How could your business or organization do something similar that results in such a win-win situation?
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Fancy Like Walker Hayes

Fancy Like Walker Hayes

Marketing, Music, Social Media
If you haven’t heard the Walker Hayes song, Fancy Like, I’d be surprised. It’s a huge hit for many reasons. It’s a fun, ridiculously awesome song, but it’s also a good lesson in the value of embracing pop culture that any brand or business, not just musicians, can learn from. Be entertaining, drop a few names and leverage social media. Easier said than done, of course, but that’s how you do it in 2021.
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